I am Blessed
Spoke at an empowered women leaders conference today. Was amazing!
Spoke at an empowered women leaders conference today. Was amazing!
Many years ago I took the Dale Carnegie class – How to Win Friends and Influence People. One of the many wonderful things I learned was – consider the worst case scenario. Once you figure out what that is decide if you can live with it. If you can you are all set to move…
Many years ago I was persuaded to walk a half marathon. As I was training for that I inadvertently discovered a love of running. Slow and steady – but eventually I always cross the finish line. I’d always have trouble hitting a PR because I’d always come across someone struggling. It was always more important…
The shack was built by my grandpa, lovingly known by all as Pa, early in the 1920s. He collected driftwood to build the original structure. The place had no running water and no electricity but to me it was heaven on earth. It’s on a small marsh island and the only way to get there…
After my first husband (the father of my children) and I divorced, I was bound and determined I would move back to Long Island. The plan was I’d live with my mom, while the girls and I resituated. There were many trips up to Long Island. The girls became familiar with many landmarks along the…
Growing up my dad had started with a couple of tropical fish tanks. This grew into his become a full-fledge breeder. At his peak, he had over one hundred tanks. A task we could do to earn some spending money was to help clean the filters. At that time filter were packed with fiberglass and…
One of my favorite things to do on vacation is nothing. Especially these days where I am mobilely challenged. I travel a tremendous amount for work. Typically, I don’t add extra days for sightseeing. It tends to be travel day, work days, travel day. Frequently, these can stake up one after the other. For instance,…