

The current pandemic has given me lots of time to reflect on priorities. I’ve been thinking lots about how I take on tasks – because I can. Not because it’s the best use of my time. For instance, years ago I was collaborating with another organization and had agreed to do many things for them….

Your Face

Your Face

Have you ever tried to exercise your face? Over the last three years while waiting for the facial nerves to regenerate I’ve had the pleasure of figuring this out. Given that some of the facial muscles have not been able to work at all during these three years they are terrible ‘out of shape’. Over…

Future Plans

Future Plans

As we practice sheltering in place, we are discovering how hard it is not to be able to make plans. Tasks as simple as planning a doctor’s visit has become a complex procedure. Life goes on, but not as we knew it. We are used to so much freedom, we don’t want to be told…

Social Distancing

Social Distancing

I for one in finding the mandate to stay home wonderful. I am cooking more and getting to things I’ve been ignoring for years. We are fortunate to have a comfortable home and all the amenities that go with that. We are also fortunate that the first hour of the day at our favorite supermarket…



I’ve always enjoyed volunteering. I don’t recall all of the opportunities, but some will stay with me forever. As a young teenager, I volunteered with an organization called ANCHOR (Answer the Needs of Children with Handicaps through Organized Recreation). During the summer there was a camp on the beach for ten weeks. It was a…

Miles and Miles

Miles and Miles

I find I am best about exercise if I set myself up with a challenge. Unfortunately, I am realizing repeating a challenge doesn’t do it for me. Back in the days, I was marathoning, I dreamed of running a marathon in every state. With ten marathons I had successfully done: The Marine Corps Marathon in…



As the first anniversary of being cancer-free approaches, I am sitting in the exact spot I was sitting when I got the call telling me I had cancer. We have a condo on Hilton Head Island that we use when it isn’t rented out. It has a lovely view of the Atlantic Ocean. Roughly a…

Support Groups

Support Groups

Over the years I have joined numerous support groups. Some I’ve been very active with, others not so much. As a teenager, I joined weight watchers and was finally able to get down to a healthy weight. I was good about going to meetings and the positive reinforcement for losing was tremendously motivational. About 20…