In the Moment

In the Moment

I was going to write about work this week as I love what I do. But too many “in the moment” things have occurred this week to let it pass. In terms of Action Learning I have mentored many through the various levels. To get to the senior level requires delivering the classes observed. More…



I just spent the most amazing week and a half with my granddaughter and her parents. I could not have ever imagined the power of my emotions: to have her face light up every morning to see me, to have her crawl into my arms to cuddle, to have her take her first steps and…

Fun With Fish

Fun With Fish

Growing up my dad had started with a couple of tropical fish tanks. This grew into his become a full-fledge breeder. At his peak, he had over one hundred tanks. A task we could do to earn some spending money was to help clean the filters. At that time filter were packed with fiberglass and…

Puppy Love

Puppy Love

I have never been a dog person. In fact, as a child, I was deathly afraid of dogs. My grandma had a dog, Rusty, that I would quiver and hide behind a parent until he was locked away. The story is a cat got in my playpen as an infant, and more likely it was…

Road trips

Road trips

After my first husband (the father of my children) and I divorced, I was bound and determined I would move back to Long Island. The plan was I’d live with my mom, while the girls and I resituated. There were many trips up to Long Island. The girls became familiar with many landmarks along the…

What Would Bea Do?

What Would Bea Do?

This is perhaps the greatest compliment I’ve ever received. And I’ve been fortunate to have received it several times. Couple blogs back I’d mentioned the dad from Pakistan that uses me as an example for his son and employees. This is different, this has been from several perspectives. I teach Action Learning team coaching to…



Several months ago I mentioned to my husband that this summer I would like to have a party for turning 60 and being cancer-free. Before we started the planning my sister mentioned she would like to have a joint sixtieth birthday party and to renew her wedding vows. As background information, I come from a…



For many years I worked as a computer scientist. In general through school and work I was treated the same as the guys. In school there was the occasionally teacher that was a bit more lenient because they appreciated my legs. There was also the occasional one that was downright nasty because I had the…