Role Model

Role Model

I had an amazing experience this past week. One that touched me very deeply. I had been contacted from a fellow in Pakistan about questions he had around Action Learning. I am considered as one of the top in the field, so this in and of itself was not unusual. We exchanged several more emails…

The Shack

The shack was built by my grandpa, lovingly known by all as Pa, early in the 1920s. He collected driftwood to build the original structure. The place had no running water and no electricity but to me it was heaven on earth. It’s on a small marsh island and the only way to get there…

Growing Up

I grew up in a house that was built in 1888. The rooms were small, the closets even smaller – at best 3 outfits would fit in the closet of most of the rooms. There were steam radiators throughout the house. The house has so many memories. Some good, some challenging but it was the…

Moments Missed

Moments Missed

Many years ago my daughters, second husband, and I took a trip to Arizona. Planning the Grand Canyon portion of the trip I called a tour service. Big mistake! Basically, they said the Grand Canyon was a big hole in the ground – 5 minutes is plenty. They could schedule us for a tour that…



Frequently, I’m asked how I keep such a positive outlook, day in and day out. I’m not a Polly Anna by any stretch of the imagination. Rather I firmly believe if you can do something about a situation do it. If not, let it go. I know we’ve heard these words before and from a…

Runner’s High

Runner’s High

Nearly, twenty years ago I was persuaded to walk a half marathon. Training for it, was great motivation to exercise. The energy the day of the race was amazing! I was hooked and decided I needed to up my game to running. The first day I went out to run I was totally pumped. I…

Gardens of Love

Gardens of Love

My daughter messaged this morning to show me the plants she had gotten over the weekend for her garden. I was immediately flooded with the warm emotions associated with legacy moments. Traditionally, every year the week before Mother’s Day I would spend weeding and preparing the gardens for new plants. Then the day before Mother’s…