Power of Positivity

Power of Positivity

The last few weeks have given me too many reasons to reflect on how we each deal with sickness and health and life and death. When I was diagnosed with the brain tumor and cancer, I opted to share the situation via Facebook. My work has afforded me the opportunity to work all over the…



Originally, I had planned to write more about Christmas traditions this week as the house now looks like Christmas threw up on it, as my kids used to like to say. But since decorating, I’ve returned to Long Island to help my sister pack for her big move. This is the sister that lost her…

Holiday Season

Holiday Season

Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday. I love that it’s about family and friends being together. Over the years we have had some amazing ones as I had a tendency to invite everybody and their brother. This year was especially wonderful as all except one of my siblings were able to gather at my…

The People We Meet

The People We Meet

During my running years, I had the good fortune of meeting some incredible people. Awhile back I told you the story of Katy Fischer, an incredible young girl that lost her battle with leukemia at the tender age of fourteen. When asked by Make-a-Wish what she wanted for a wish she said that she had…



I’m the middle child of a large family. There are eight of us – three boys and five girls. Growing up in a big family had its positives and negatives. With that many kids inevitably there was always someone to play with. On the flip side, inevitably there was likely someone you were at odds…



One of my favorite things to do on vacation is nothing. Especially these days where I am mobilely challenged. I travel a tremendous amount for work. Typically, I don’t add extra days for sightseeing. It tends to be travel day, work days, travel day. Frequently, these can stake up one after the other. For instance,…

A Love Story

A Love Story

Last week marked the end of an incredible love story. My sister’s husband – the love of her life – died of a heart attack – the day before his fifty-eighth birthday. But the story starts years ago. 53 years ago, today, she was hit by a moving van. At the tender age of six…

Remembering How

Remembering How

It’s been fascinating the last couple of years, remembering how to do things that at this stage of life we just do. The second brain surgery had a couple of consequences that I wasn’t anticipating. Mostly, I expected it to be very much like the first one even though it was described very differently. The…



Wow. Three days later and i still tear up. Last week I was in Brazil for the WIAL Global conference. Friday as the conference was coming to the close and I was starting to think about heading to the airport the following video was played.