Running Moments – Part 1

As I work to complete the 2020 challenge (run/walk 2020 miles in 2020) I find myself missing running more and more. I miss the runner’s high. I miss the races. I miss the camaraderie.

Several legacy moments spring to mind when I think about the days I would race. I knew I could never place but there was such intense energy at the races that it was addictive. I knew I was only competing with myself, but that energy was enough to draw me in race after race.

I vividly remember doing the Cherry Blossom one year. I’d gotten a hotel room as the race had an early start. On the morning of the race, I took a cab to the start and left my car at the hotel. Checkout time was such that I could complete the ten-mile run, get back to the hotel, shower, and checkout on time before going home. The Cherry Blossom 10 miler is an early spring run, ideally timed for the peak of the Cherry Blossom bloom. I’ve run it several times and the weather is typically glorious. This particular year, there was a horrifically cold rain. The cold and rain were so bad they canceled the awards ceremony and told everyone to go home rather than risk hyperthermia.

As I crossed the finish line and received word that we should go home I had this horrifying realization. Haven taken a cab to the start I didn’t have a clue how to get back to my hotel. Before panic set in I had an epiphany that I just had to find a metro station, from there I could locate the hotel. I saw hordes of people moving in a common direction – my guess- they too were heading to the metro. When I could up with some folks, I attempted to confirm my guess. To my dismay, they said I was incorrect and pointed me in the correct direction. This time I caught up to someone with an umbrella. Even though they were willing to share they too told me I was heading in the wrong direction and set me straight. This third attempt led me to a runner who had a spare coat with him and was willing to share. But alas, he too indicated I was heading in the wrong direction.

He, however, indicated his car was parked near the metro and would gladly walk me there and set me on the right path. When we arrived at his car he suggested I ship him his coat back, as it was too cold to go without. As he was giving me further directions, he decided he would just drive me to my hotel as it wasn’t far.

I don’t recall his name but the kindness he showed me is a legacy moment that will stay with me forever.

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