Shout Out to the Spouses

As my husband is a few years older than I we had always known at some point I would be his caregiver. Little did we expect it would happen the other way first.

He has been amazing through all of the surgeries; by my side all the way. After we’d transition to home he’d be sure the cabinets were stocked with my post-surgery favorites. He has always been incline to take care of the household tasks, but it feels even more special and caring these days.

We have always travelled. Taking a cruise or two every year; as well as, land locked vacations. Planning the vacations now, seem to focus on create legacy moments, so we each have memories for years to come.

His daughter gave us a map to stick pins in all the places we’ve been. We’ve been and seen so many fabulous places. Antarctica being the only continent left. That one is being saved while I heal. The current trips he plans are based on my somewhat limited mobility. Each day it gets better but some of the trips have been pushed into the future when I will be able to enjoy them more.

He had planned a trip to Cancun to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary. Between radiation and surgery that had to be postponed. To top it off the surgery was scheduled for our actual anniversary. Knowing the aggressive nature of the cancer we opted to postpone celebrating and spend it in the hospital.

A week and a half later we got the results – the margins were clean – I was cancer free!

The date of the surgery is considered the cancer free date. Reflecting on it, that is an amazing anniversary gift.

He’s encouraged me to spend time with my children and siblings, recognizing they need time with me also.

My daughters’ husbands have been great about supporting my daughters through all of this, both in terms of supporting their wanting to be with me and with connecting with me as a person.

Cancer sucks – but it definitely has brought us closer as a family.

Dr Bea

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One Comment

  1. Bea, I always considered myself fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with Frank. I appreciated that he lives his values. His loving care for you during these challenging times just demonstrates that and reveals his many qualities. Qualities that you both share and you are blessed to be life partners.
    So good to hear of your recovery!

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